中国博彩平台 holds 3rd annual Open and Affordable Showcase


艾莉森·邦纳, 助理教学教授, 数学, presents her Lightning Talk during the recent Open and Affordable Showcase at 中国博彩平台. 邦纳 was presented with the Lehigh Valley Open Champion Award for her talk.


宾州中央谷. — A growing number of faculty from across Penn State are exploring or utilizing open educational practices in their classroom instruction. The agenda for the third annual Open and Affordable Showcase, 最近在中国博彩平台举行的, focused on the sharing of experiences and perspectives on open education. 第一次, the event reached beyond the Lehigh Valley to invite faculty and staff from across Penn State’s eastern Commonwealth Campuses to present and participate.

The daylong event celebrated open education work happening across Penn State and offered professional development opportunities for faculty and staff interested in OER, 开放教学法等等. The event was sponsored by the PSU-LV Library and 学术事务. 开放教育 is viewed as a means of achieving teaching and learning goals in an equitable, 包容的课堂环境. Many faculty have embraced these methods and see them as a way to make students’ Penn State experience more affordable and engaging.

“We launched this 1-day conference in order to help our PSU-LV community celebrate open education work happening at our campus, 为了连接, 合作, 并围绕开放教育共同成长,珍·贾森说, 图书馆的负责人, 谁和伊丽莎白·尼尔森共同组织了这次活动, 参考和指导馆员. “今年, we were excited to open the event to colleagues from other Penn State campuses in the region to support new connections, 合作, 和灵感. 主持人也加入了我们, 来自阿宾顿的小组成员和与会者, 博克斯, 白兰地酒, 哈里斯堡, 黑兹尔顿和斯库尔基尔校区.”

这一天以蒂娜·Q的开场白开始. Richardson, PSU-LV chancellor, and a welcome from the library. 讲者及主题包括:

  • “Open Education for Equity in Teaching and Learning”, a cross-campus faculty panel discussion featuring panelists Samantha Beebe (Lehigh Valley); Tara Beecham (博克斯); Daniel Jackson (Lehigh Valley); and Christina Riehman-Murphy (University Libraries / Abington)
  • 闪电会谈, 由PSU-LV教员艾莉森·邦纳主持, 马克Capofari, 丽莎伪装, 还有妮可·莫施伯格, and Penn State Commonwealth Campus faculty members Meghan Gillen (Abington), Hannah Mudrick (哈里斯堡) and Michael Polgar (Hazleton)
  • “Transforming and Innovating with Open Education (TIOE) Initiative Snapshot”, 由安德杰拉·考尔主演, PSU-LV; introduction by Aníbal Bernal-Torres, PSU-LV首席学术官
  • 午餐时的小组讨论. Topics included “Documenting and Sharing OER Usage within Disciplines” facilitated by Larry Musolino (PSU-LV); “How Long Does It Really Take to Adopt and Adapt OER?” facilitated by Michelle Kaschak (PSU-LV); and “Open Education 101: The Basics and Benefits” facilitated by Elizabeth Nelson (PSU-LV)

作为展示的最后一项, 邦纳, 数学助理教学教授, was presented with the Lehigh Valley Open Champion Award for her Lightning Talk. This award helps celebrate open education-related work on the PSU-LV campus with respect to three domains: work that has made an outstanding impact on teaching and learning; work that has made an outstanding impact on reduction of costs for students; and work that shows outstanding innovation, 创造性或独创性.

邦纳的演讲, “为了OER全力以赴。,” discussed her commitment to converting all classes she teaches to OER materials. 邦纳 said she believes in providing a positive environment for student learning — an environment that should extend to include open and affordable, 无挫折访问所有课程材料, 作业, 尽可能进行评估. The work presented by PSU-LV faculty during the showcase’s 闪电会谈 was eligible for the award. Attendees at the showcase participated in a crowdsourced voting process, 使用上述指定的域作为标准, 来决定今年的冠军.

Jarson and Nelson said they were thrilled at the response from this year’s event.

“We want this to be an event that fosters meaningful connections among colleagues supporting open education. By expanding this event to include colleagues from other campuses this year, 我们很高兴看到这些联系进一步发展, even including discussions of cross-campus research projects,尼尔森说.

开放教育, as a means for promoting equitable access to education, has been made a priority goal in both Penn State’s strategic plan and the University Libraries’ strategic plan, 与中国博彩平台的赠地任务有关. 欲了解中国博彩平台OER的更多中国博彩平台,请访问 oer.事业单位.edu.

Support is available for those who are exploring open educational practices for their own work or teaching. 请访问此链接请求咨询,或使用 这种形式.
